Customized Trainings to fit your school's needs

Need help implementing Singapore Math® curriculum?
Whether it is one day, two days, or a year long contract, all implementations are designed with your school or district in mind. SingaporeMathSupport works with teachers, coaches, administrators and the parents. It is a partnership!

Refresh and Re-boost
After using Singapore Math® for a few years, teachers might be falling into old patterns, or just might need some advanced support. Our trainers assist educators, with all skill levels, find a way to freshen up their classes and fall in love again with Singapore Math® .

Looking For Singapore Math® Strategies?
No matter what curriculum you are using, the Singapore strategies can be utilized. Good teaching is good teaching!

Math Content 101
If you don't use might lose it. There are real reasons that subtraction is harder to teach than addition. Yes, division is more difficult to master than multiplication; find out why and more. If teachers have a true understanding of math, including the correct vocabulary to use, they have a better ability to teach for conceptual understanding. It might have been a few years since high-school graduation, and everyday math skills might have become a bit rusty, so let us refresh your brain.
Fact Fluency... from Conceptual to Procedural
Fact Fluency... from Conceptual to Procedural
Let's face it...student NEED TO KNOW their math facts to be successful. This course goes over ways to get those math facts into students' long-term memory through a variety of strategies. After students understand WHY the math fact is, they should be able to answer the problem within a reasonable amount of time. Students should be EFFICIENT, ACCURATE & FLEXIBLE when working with their math facts. This course provides high quality activities that can be implemented immediately into any classroom.

Educate The Parents!
If you don't have your parents on board, success is more difficult. Parents want to support their children but often don't know how. Let us help them, so they can help their student.

Using Growth Mindset in MATHEMATICS to Increase Students' Perseverance, Engagement
Specifically Designed for Grades K-6: Classroom Teachers, Math Specialists, Interventionists, Special Education Staff, Title I Staff, Instructional Assistants, and Administrators
Highly effective strategies to encourage students to engage, embrace challenges, think mathematically, and strive to achieve math goals through researched-based practices
Hands-on ways to engage student interest, increase student participation and strengthen academic achievement in mathematics
Practical ways to implement and utilize YOUR curriculum
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